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SubjectRe: NTFS-like streams?

On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> I'd much rather just have a very simple rule: if it doesn't start with a
> slash, then it's not a "real" path.

Hear, hear... The same should go for shmfs objects, unless they really
come from a mounted instance.

> And move "(deleted)" to the front of the name rather than the end.
> (Note that the "doesn't start with a slash" rule is for more things than
> deleted files: it's pipes, sockets, whatever. So that one is independent
> of how we do deleted).
> I dislike the "//" syntax a lot. It has potential special semantics in
> POSIX, and it _is_ a valid root-based filename even without those
> semantics. And some day we may take advantage of the POSIX-blessed "//"
> syntax extensions.

<wince> I hope not - they are remarkably ugly.

> In contrast, if you get a path that doesn't start with a '/', then you
> know a priori that it cannot be a full pathname. It could obviously be a
> relative one, but for something that is supposed to return the full
> path that isn't an issue, so there is no possibility for confusion.

Umm... Maybe. OTOH, we might return OOB information really OOB - as an
error value. Or not - hell knows whether it's worth the trouble.

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