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SubjectRe: 2.4.0-test2-ac2 with RAID lockup - fixed in 2.4.0-test5
The following problem which I reported here on 2nd July seems to be fixed in
2.4.0-test5. I've run bonnie++ all night on a RAID-1 array and it hasn't
locked up.
Tonight I will test running bonnie++ while a dirty RAID-1 array is syncing
and perform a variety of other tests. If I find any problems I'll inform
you. Otherwise please assume that this problem is fixed.

Russell Coker

On Sun, 02 Jul 2000, Russell Coker wrote:
>The first time it locked up I could run ps/top/etc but any attempt to sync
>etc would hang (D state).
>The second time it was more serious. The command:
>ls -al /proc/247
>would go D state, so ps, top, etc would all hang. Pid 247 was named.
>At the time of the hang the only process using the RAID device was a bonnie++
>test run on a ReiserFS file system. I doubt that ReiserFS or the drive
>hardware was at fault because I spent an entire week running various bonnie++
>tests on /dev/hda4 with ReiserFS and ext2 without any problems at all. All
>the evidence I have suggests that ReiserFS is not at fault, however I have
>CC'd the ReiserFS list (just in case) and I am continuing to run tests.
>The bonnie++ command was:
>bonnie++ -s 512
>It seems that running the bonnie++ command on it's own does not cause a hang,
>it's only when I redirect stdout and stderr to files on the same file system
>that problems occur. I've just run another test and had it hang badly enough
>that I couldn't login via telnet or ssh (the machine has no monitor).

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