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SubjectRe: USB - ignorant questions
On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 01:40:50PM -0700, B. James Phillippe wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have some very ignorant questions about USB support in Linux. It seems
> to be available and relatively stable for 2.2. Does it work well with USB
> modems, and can you connect a USB cable between two PC's and use PPP across
> it?

USB is a master / slave system. So you can't just connect a cable between
two computers. But there are devices out there that enable this to happen
(basically a board in a cable that looks like a dumb network device to the
two computers.)

You would probably be better off using 2 USB to Ethernet devices or 2 USB
to serial devices if you really want to use USB to talk between two

Lots of good technical information about USB (including the dry specs) can
be found at

The Linux USB project can be found at

> Second, and more important, is there any possible way to use the USB
> subsystem support in any older kernel, such as 2.0? I know this sounds
> rediculous, but I'm wondering how hard it would be to back-port (if it's
> not already available).

Someone has done this for the uCLinux distribution. Search around for
Morton Bay, as I think this is the company that did it. I don't think it
was a full port (i.e. all of the devices and host controller
functionality) but it should be a good start for you.

Hope this helps,

greg k-h


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