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SubjectRe: 2 cents on the low latency for MM thread...
On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 07:14:08AM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> I believe that the whole low latency issue has pretty much been
> talked to death and that all parties have pretty much given their
> points, and nobody is going to budge on their thought processes.

I would like to add one point to the discussion: low latency is important
for a whole class of other applications besides audio.

For instance, distributed lock managers and buffer coherency managers
for things like distributed file systems (eg, gfs), or databases
(eg Oracle OPS). These tend to run on heavily loaded systems but still
need intersystem/interprocess round trip latencies in the few millisecond
range, not the multiple tens of milliseconds currently seen under load.
However, unlike audio, they only need good average performance and are
not hurt by the occasional worst case spike.

I am not commenting on the current proposals or decisions, just pointing out
that there are more applications that can use low latency.


David Gould
SuSE, Inc., 580 2cd St. #210, Oakland, CA 94607 510.628.3380
Learning to think outside the box,
"Crackerjack concept," she said,
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