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SubjectRe: [2.4.0test7-pre7] BUG at /usr/src/linux/include/asm/smplock.h
Followup to:  <>
By author: Jeff Lightfoot <>
In newsgroup:
> Can't remember what I was doing (idle in X?). X locked up. I was able
> to telnet in but after a few seconds, that locked up.
> kernel BUG at /usr/src/linux/include/asm/smplock.h:62!
> invalid operand: 0000
> CPU: 1
> EIP: 0010:[fat_write_inode+462/496]
> EFLAGS: 00013282
> eax: 00000037 ebx: c1592000 ecx: fffffff0 edx: c02c258c
> esi: cce82260 edi: c0c28600 ebp: cfd6d400 esp: c1593f90
> ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
> Process kupdate (pid: 4, stackpage=c1593000)
> Stack: c025f684 c025f940 0000003e cce82268 cce82260 cfd6d440 cfd6d400 c01497c3
> cce82260 00000000 c1592000 c0254696 c1592326 c15adfb8 00002000 c0137c81
> 00000000 00000000 c1592000 c013807a 00000f00 c15adf6c c15adfb8 c15adfb8
> Call Trace: [tvecs+66300/177208] [tvecs+67000/177208]
> [sync_inodes+291/380] [tvecs+21262/177208] [sync_old_buffers+49/212]
> [kupdate+330/336] [kernel_thread+40/56]
> Code: 0f 0b 83 c4 0c 8b 43 1c 8d 50 ff 89 53 1c 89 d0 85 c0 7d 07
> SMP 2.4.0test3-pre7
> Anything else needed? Let me know.

I have seen the same bug as a result of using a FAT filesystem:

kernel BUG at /home/hpa/kernel/linux/include/asm/smplock.h:62!
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 1
EIP: 0010:[<f99377c4>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010292
eax: 0000003f ebx: f7b88260 ecx: 00000097 edx: 00000001
esi: f7eea000 edi: d8f31140 ebp: ea296500 esp: f7eebf84
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process kupdate (pid: 4, stackpage=f7eeb000)
Stack: f993998c f9939ca0 0000003e d8f31140 f7777840 f7777800 00000000 f7777800
c014d978 d8f31140 00000000 f7eea000 00000000 c2231fc0 c2231fa4 c013b162
00000000 00000000 f7eea000 c2231fa4 c013b58c 00000f00 c2231f5c c2231fc4
Call Trace: [<f993998c>] [<f9939ca0>] [<c014d978>] [<c013b162>] [<c013b58c>] [<c0109600>] [<c0109613>]
Code: 0f 0b 83 c4 0c 8b 46 1c 8d 48 ff 89 4e 1c 89 c8 85 c0 7d 07

>>EIP; f99377c4 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1dc/200> <=====
Trace; f993998c <[fat]detect_cvf+e94/4558>
Trace; f9939ca0 <[fat]detect_cvf+11a8/4558>
Trace; c014d978 <sync_inodes+120/174>
Trace; c013b162 <sync_old_buffers+32/d8>
Trace; c013b58c <kupdate+16c/180>
Trace; c0109600 <kernel_thread+10/30>
Trace; c0109613 <kernel_thread+23/30>
Code; f99377c4 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1dc/200>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; f99377c4 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1dc/200> <=====
0: 0f 0b ud2a <=====
Code; f99377c6 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1de/200>
2: 83 c4 0c addl $0xc,%esp
Code; f99377c9 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1e1/200>
5: 8b 46 1c movl 0x1c(%esi),%eax
Code; f99377cc <[fat]fat_write_inode+1e4/200>
8: 8d 48 ff leal 0xffffffff(%eax),%ecx
Code; f99377cf <[fat]fat_write_inode+1e7/200>
b: 89 4e 1c movl %ecx,0x1c(%esi)
Code; f99377d2 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1ea/200>
e: 89 c8 movl %ecx,%eax
Code; f99377d4 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1ec/200>
10: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
Code; f99377d6 <[fat]fat_write_inode+1ee/200>
12: 7d 07 jnl 1b <_EIP+0x1b> f99377df <[fat]fat_write_inode+1f7/200>

<> at work, <> in private!
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