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SubjectRe: Want to help with NTFS
At 13:56 09/07/2000, Gabor Lenart wrote:
>On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 02:05:19PM +0200, Igmar Palsenberg wrote:
> > Any clues yet in what way NTFS v 3.0 (win 2K) differs ?? The old driver
> > ate the FS :-))
>My computer accepts NTFS partition of Win2K (ro mode ...) but sometimes
>when I issue command 'df' kernel says 'Trying to open MFT' but everything
>looks working ...

Yes, it should work (the message is just there so anything opening the MFT
is reported. this probably shouldn't result in a message but can stay for
the moment). - NTFS design goal is, I believe, that you can mount a newer
NTFS partition using a driver implementing an older NTFS version both for
reading and writting without destroying anything. - Obviously this requires
some kind of safe-guard to stop fs corruption... (more about this at a
later point in time)

Regarding updates: according to the MS book: Inside Windows NT (2nd Ed) by
David Solomon and the Macmillan book Win NT/2000 Native API Reference by
Gary Nebbett, Win2k NTFS (v3.0) has several updates including:
- security descriptors are stored in a central file and referenced
by each file record (rather then kept in the file records themselves). This
also leads to a discontinuation of the attribute security descriptor that
used to be present in all files (accorind to Gary Nebbett anyway).
- improved sparse files support (no physical space allocated at
all anymore?)
- indexing of more attributes rather than just filename attribute
- new attributes / redefinition of old unused attributes such as:
- unique object ID (used to be the volume_version)
- reparse point (now used for example for symbolic links
and mount points)
- property set (re-removed in NTFS 3.0 beta testing?)
- logged utility stream (e.g. used for Encrypted File
System and can be used by user installable drivers for loggin purposes)
- new MFT special file (actually a directory): $Extend. Holds
(semi-)special NTFS v3.0 files, including: $ObjId, $Quota, $Reparse and
- quota support

I.e. There are quite a few changes in (or rather extensions to) on-disk
structures to implement these things!



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