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SubjectRe: Kernel 2.2.14 OOM killer strikes.
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Mike A. Harris wrote:


> Therefore, since some people WANT OOM killing to be done, and
> others such as myself do NOT want it to be done, could someone in
> the know of doing so, please make it a compile time or run time
> tunable option? I'd like to tell my kernel "If an OOM condition
> occurs, under absolutely *NO* circumstances are you to EVER kill
> a running process".

If the kernel does not kill some processes (or one process) when the
system is under OOM, probably all the system will lockup because there is
no memory and no more swap space left. Your chance to start a shell and
kill the memory hog is gone.

Now _which_ process(es) the kernel should choose to kill is a different

If you do not like the current OOM killer (I think you dont :)), you can
try alternative algorithms, such as Rik van Riel's one. (go to and search for "oom")

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