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SubjectRe: BK performance tip (22x faster)
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Alex Buell wrote:

>This has been happening on and off for months, all through the 2.1.x and
>2.2.x series. Initially I suspected bad simms but they've been replaced
>twice and guy says the ones I returned fully checks out.
>Changed power supply a few months ago, didn't solve the problem.
>I now strongly suspect the household power supply this time and I'm
>wondering if a decent UPS unit would solve the problem by cleaning up the

Definitely. Get a decent APC UPS. APC now supports linux, and
has linux versions of their powerchute software available. In
addition, the apcupsd package works great as well.

I'm using a SmartUPS 700, and it works excellent. I had very
dirty power last year, and had reboots and lockups due to it
roughly every couple days. Since installing the SmartUPS
(courtesy of an evaluation unit from APC) I've yet to have a
single powerline induced problem whatsoever. It handles every
sort of condition from spikes and surges to sags, brownouts, and
of course blackouts.

APC is definitely one company that has "seen the light" of linux,
and has come to the dark side. ;o) Now any time my computer has
to be plugged into wall power, I get a knot in my stomach, and
lose sleep. ;o) I had over 8 months uptime on a 486 router
backed up by this UPS. It would have likely been years longer
but I had to move the machine.

Mail me privately for a contact address at APC.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
Computer Consultant GNU advocate
Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate

I've overclocked my keyboard interface. It's quite messy dipping my
hands into the mineral oil, but *MAN* is my keyboard ever fast now!
- Anonymous Coward

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