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SubjectRe: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [DATAPOINT] kernels and latencies
On Tue, 04 Jul 2000, Andrew Morton wrote:

> True, but sys_mmap() is not appearing on the radar screen.
> The point the audio guys have been making is that they require
> reasonable latency on a *dedicated machine*. That changes the game a
> lot.

sorry I do not understand: what do you mean with a dedicated machine ?
the mmap() case has to be handled as well, or we will still be in a situation
where linux will be unsuitable for professional work.

> I'll take a peek at sys_msync(), but I think "don't do that" is a
> solution here.

I disagree here, who can ensure that while doing low-latency work
you don't do this and that and that other ?
a low-latency OS means that it can achieve reasonable (1-5ms) under
high load conditions (at least for ONE SCHED_FIFO task),
all the other solutions not acceptable and I prefer to work with high
latencies reliably rather than having low latencies with a nice
crackle/noise floor in the audio stream.

> Pretty soon, I'll ask the audio people to put their money where their
> mouthes are, and start testing, analysing and helping to "file off the
> high spots".

Yes this is a good strategy, at least we will see which
"random pre-emption points" are pretty useless.

> In the meanwhile, this probably means that people who require low
> latency will need to buy an RS232 mouse. That's OK.

PS2 is causing high latencies, on std kernels, Ingo's kernel handles this just


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