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SubjectRe: a joint letter on low latency and Linux
Artur Skawina writes:
> Albert D. Cahalan wrote:

>>> So you are proposing to make the kernel less efficient so that
>>> binary only driver vendors have it easier? Because once such a
>> It isn't just for them. The binary+source vendors can use it too.
>> Many users will want binaries, even if source is available.
>>> "generic kernel" option is there they will use it, and then it's
>>> no longer really optional if you happen to need just one driver
>>> w/o source...
>> No, you can use a pure PentiumIII-SMP kernel as long as it provides
>> the code-modification services for generic modules. Compiled-in
>> drivers simply don't call (or trap to) the self-modification engine.
> What if i want a pure PIII-UP kernel? How are the different data
> structures handled?

You get it, but you may need to give up generic module support.
This isn't any worse than what we have today.

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