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SubjectRE: sync: why disk cannot spin down
Michael Bacarella wrote:
> Why is this even desirable?
> Wouldn't you want the drives to just spin forever? I always understood
> that spinning something down and then spinning it back up is what causes
> them to degrade/die. The analogy would be that a car that runs it's engine
> for 10 years straight never needs major repairs, whereas one that is
> turned on, driven, turned off, repeat, will be slowly destroyed.

It is, and you are right. But that is not the goal. He wants to spin them
down and then *keep them spun down.* Thus, an hour a day of driving is
better than driving all day or start/drive/stop all day.

This was his original problem, sync was causing his drives to spin back up,
when he wanted them to stay down.

> At least, this is what my high school science teacher taught us, which I
> probably took for granted. Are hard drives an exception, or was I just
> misguided? :)

Robert M. Love

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