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SubjectRe: a joint letter on low latency and Linux
Felix von Leitner wrote:
> Thus spake Paul Barton-Davis (pbd@Op.Net):
> > All we need is guaranteed scheduling response. We don't need QOS
> > guarantees for any other subsystems, for example (it would be nice,
> > but its not necessary).
> Oh yes, we do!
> What good is a low latency response if there is no QoS to guarantee
> enough CPU and memory? I don't consider locking memory pages and the
> FIFO scheduler a valid solution to this, because a single misbehaving
> process can cause a complete denial of service.
> I find guaranteed disk and SCSI bus throughput much more important than
> your MIDI stuff, because more people are burning CDs under Linux than
> there are MIDI users on all operating systems combined ;-)

But the problem is the same - what good will your throughput be if your
burner process is not run for 500ms? You need A LOT of throughput to be
able to catch up several latency hits...
[ok, There is a lot of buffer on cd writers - but it will prevent going

The problem is exactly the same - you stream data to a device.
The device interrupts when it needs more data.
The actual program is not run.....
You get a drop out.

With audio you get audible disturbance, with CD writing you get a
destroyed CD...


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