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SubjectRe: Low Latency Patch
On 3 Jul 2000, Vandoorselaere Yoann wrote:
> Ever heard about bound checking ?

Yes, I have, but unfortunately it seems like Vixie and others haven't,
and while I do look at the code, I do not catch everything.

> yes, and non executable stack is really *not* a part of theses layer.

Well, yes, it is. People trying to exploit things and causing core dumps
have clued me to buffer overflow exploits that I've missed and that would have
otherwise resulted in successful root exploits.

Damn I wish I'd never miss one, but big applications like sendmail and
bind are just too many bytes to look at and not occasionally miss something.
Bind at least can run as non-root, sendmail is still a real problem.

> Now you're suggesting that people involving in some threads on lkml
> are saying bullshit and do not know what they are talking about;
> i've not seen any piece of code from you nor kernel nor user space...
> i don't care, but if you think that what was said in such thread
> is bullshit :

> Or you didn't read the good thread
> or you're simply an idiot.

Now you've added "idiot" to "stupid" and "asshole". How mature and
sophisticated you are. A real kernel hacker no doubt. I guess if I'm ever
going to become a real kernel hacker I'll need to learn to start calling people
names too.

> That's not the problem,
> non exec stack wasn't accepted because it give a false sence of security.

Not one person that argued for it seemed to get any false sense of
security, nor do I. If an application core dumps instead of gives root, that
isn't a clue to me that it's OK not to fix it because the non-executable stack
will handle it; it's a clue that something needs fixing before the system was
root compromised. An alarm that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten. And it's
not a large patch as you seem to imply.

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