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SubjectRe: Low Latency Patch
On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Khimenko Victor wrote:
> In short: mostly patch is bunch of band-aids over band-aids. Go read what
> Linus thinks about band-aids and SHUT UP!

Heaven forbid should anybody express an oppossing viewpoint!
This is starting to feel like the boys at M$.

> P.S. Yes, there are exist few interesting points. But mostly it's MESS. Worse
> then low-latency patch. And whe you'll think about it is authors of patch do
> not want to clean up that mess (and throw out stupid things like non-exec
> stack altogether) then why Linus should care ?

I'm afraid I don't share your viewpoint here, but you know it's less of
an issue for me because it's well maintained and easy to apply, so it's not a
big deal to apply for each new release.

The low-latency patch is more difficult, it won't apply as is for Sparc,
so I have to hand remove portions for every new release which is a PITA.

But it's become abundantly clear that neither security nor latency are
important issues to the vast majority here. Nor is stability on any platform
other than Intel. I give up. Have a nice life.

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