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SubjectRe: a joint letter on low latency and Linux
On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> If linux kernel folk were willing to install the hardware necessary to
> run the "real" programs, I could point them to dozens of them in an
> instant, all of which would fail when configured for low latency. But
> they are not (which is just fine), and so we have to use "benchmarks"
> to demonstrate just how messed up things are.

Can you give list a setup, or setups, that can be used to show low
latency for specific usage cases?

I'm concerned that the latencies you are seeing, in some cases, may
be due to the fault of the sound driver not the inherent slowness of
the operating system.

I'm a linux kernel folk, and I've got some test hardware, now I'm
waiting for the rhetoric to die down and the real info to start
flowing. :)


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