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SubjectRe: multimounting cdroms ???
On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Alexander Viro wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Michael T. Gilmore wrote:
> > Mounting (or replacing) on an current mount path, busy or nor, wil really
> > lead to bizzare and damaging senerios later.
> "Doctor, it hurts when I do it"

"Doctor, I've been doing it for years and now all of a sudden
it's changed and everything's screwed up and it hurts."

There are loads of us that have been using UNIX for years and
are expecting multiple mounts to fail. We expect to be able
to try to mount a directory and see if it fails.

For example, if I want to mount a drive, I will usually type:
"mount /dev/hdb3 /mnt" and see if it works. If /dev/hdb2 is
already mounted on /mnt, I expect my mount command to fail.
If I type in the command and everything works, then I
assume that /mnt and everything in it directly corresponds
to what is in /dev/hdb3.

We're talking about alienating gazillions of users with a
feature that is probably useful in many cases but will
utterly confound people if they don't specifically ask for it.
If I want to do a multiple mount, I'll ask for it.
Otherwise, I'll use the standard behavior that has been
consistent in all Unices I've ever used.

> > If you insist on adding this "feature", please make it a system tunable (config)
> > option. Some of us really do not want it.


Andrew McNabb
Argus Systems Group

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