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SubjectRe: Possible Solution for ATA Mess...
From: "Andre Hedrick" <>
> The bitch and scream over a $0.01 per drive addition.
> $0.01 * 1.5e7 * number of models per year == MILLIONS per company.

My hardware guy says $0.02 for a jumper and $0.04 for a shunt =

$0.06 * 1.5e7 * 30 models per year = $27,000,000 per year

Let's say that it costs $100 to manufacture a hard drive, parts and
labour and design etc, but not including that extra jumper.

$100 * 1.5e7 * 30 models per year = $45,000,000,000 per year

The fact remains that it is an insignificant cost in the manufacture
of the hardware. Extremely insignificant. 0.06% by my estimates,
and I think I was conservative with the cost of manufacturing a
hard drive.


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