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SubjectRe: Direct access to hardware
On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Stephen Frost wrote:

> Horrible hacks would be what would be required to get a firmware
> upgrade to work under Linux with the restrictions in place. I sure hope
> Andre isn't trying to convince drive makers that they can void their
> warrentee if something hits those commands the wrong way.

They can and probably will. With the new approach he is advocating to
them, Linux doesn't need to filter the commands - the drive does, and logs
any inappropriate commands for the manufacturer.

> The comments you left out regarding that you didn't like having to
> have things be OS dependant. The reason they are now is because of end
> users.

Ah. Personally, I'd say a single boot disk could/should be MORE
user-friendly, not less. Any user attempting a flash upgrade should know
how to boot from a CD or floppy, at least - after that point, the vendor's
program can do whatever it wants by way of hand-holding.

> > WTF does that come in - we're talking about writing firmware in devices,
> > not writing to a CD-R. TOTALLY different issue.
> Not so, initially, and still currently actually, cdrecord and other
> programs used the SCSI generic interface to talk to CD burners. Obviously
> these commands sent to that kind of device initially wouldn't have been
> thought valid by the main SCSI layer, or even the SCSI cdrom driver. The
> same may be true in the future for some IDE devices.

These commands would not be regarded as potentially dangerous ones in the
same way. Writing CDs is a CD-R drive's function, so it won't block that.

> > Such as? A handful of standard things the kernel should provide anyway
> > (powersave, DMA mode, etc), and a block of commands which MUST NOT be
> > issued to the drive EVER (except by the drive vendor's maintenance
> > software.)
> Except those commands are vendor specific and we *don't* know
> exactly what all commands need to be blocked. Instead Andre took the
> approach of blocking everything he didn't recognize as a valid command
> with 'valid' commands to the device. Also other devices in the future
> may wish to issue other commands to the devices for various reasons and
> would find they have to get the kernel updated and upgraded on any
> machine they wish to use these devices on.

Andre is now trying to get the vendors to do this in the drive firmware
instead, which avoids the issue for Linux.


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