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SubjectRe: TO HELL WITH IT THEN......(re: disk-destroyer.c)
Bartlomiej Zolnierkiewicz wrote:

> I know what you mean but Linus didn't accept patch... so don't say that
> it was irresponsible etc...

irresponsible was withdrawing the patch from the public, making a fuss out of it with an
exploit before we really understood it.

> But nobody cared about the patch and about the issue...
> (but I agree that Andre wasn't clear enough...)

Andre's clarity is partially because we don't easily comprehend what he's trying to say,
both sides need to have patience and work through it.

> > A good sysadmin should be terrified of script kiddies that can mutilate his system and
> > he has no way to protect himself because there isn't a fix yet.
> I'm talking about Linux/OpenSource world... good sysadmin can fix problem
> himself/herself... I _personally_ think that sysadmin without C/hacking
> skills can't be a good one...

Not all admins are capable of all code functions :) A great sysadmin knows how to do this.
A good sysadmin knows where to find a great sysadmin to help him ;) A bad sysadmin turns
the monitor off when something goes wrong and goes for lunch.

I've written code since the z80 and tinier days. I haven't had time to keep up and be
familiar with the latest and greatest instruction set or how the compiler works tho. Some
fixes require this knowledge. I.e. the F00F bug.


"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an
eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was

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