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SubjectRe: disk-destroyer.c
"A month of sundays ago Andre Hedrick wrote:"
> The method to kill linux is out, the patch to stop it is gone.

I'm just slow. Only root can do this trick?

I'm not against the patch, it just seems wholly unnecessary to me, and
even downright dangerous at this stage of proceedings. How do you know
you aren't introducing bugs or some holes that weren't there before?

The real problem here has been andre's weirdly confused descriptions ..
what's gone wrong with your grammar and vocab, andre? I could hardly
understand a whole sentence, if there was one to be found! I'm sure
you can do better at describing the problem. From what I can gather,
some parameters are sometimes dangerous in some ioctls. Does this
depend on the disk state? Is that what makes it difficult to
filter them out of the ioctl? Or is it that the danger does not
depend on disk state, but the rules to determine if the parameters
are dangerous or not are complicated?


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