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SubjectRe: [BUG] 2.4.0-test4 and console

> > > I believe it's in card drivers. I tried 'VGA' driver (that came with
> > > XFree86) and console was ok.
> > > With 'nv' driver (came with XFree86 4.0.1) console dims at first start and
> > > in the second time it turns completely blank.
> > > With 'nvidia' driber (v0.94, from NVidia) console blanks totally at first
> > > start.
> > > Another interesting point is that with 'nv' console dims only when starting
> > > X (so I can restore console just by logging to another VT and 'reset', but
> > > with 'nvidia' console blanks always when I switch to X.

> Asus AGP-V3800 PRO/TV (TNT2PRO) on Asus P3B-F.
> XFree86-4.0.1 + NVIDIA 0.9-4 drivers + linux-2.4.0-test4

I think I know what is causing the problem. I have seen this only
reported for NVIDIA cards and one time for a permidia card using vgacon. I
also need to to report video cards with XFree86-4.X that work.
What it sounds like that is happening is the gamma ramp is not being
reset when you VT switch out. When you VT switch out you are setting the
hardware state from a hires directcolor mode to a pseudo color VGA text
mode. The gamma ramp alters the color palette on a video card by making
all the color appear to be equally dimmed or brightened. What I think
previously when the console system set the color palette before the video
mode was changed it was programming on the legacy VGA color registers
which in effect reset the gamma ramp while in a hires video mode. Whereas
now you are setting the color palette once you are in VGA text mode which
is effected by the gamma ramp. So each time you VT switch the X server
keeps altering the gamma ramp until it makes all the colors black. Give
the NVIDIA fbdev drivers a try. If the fbdev drivers manage the gamma ramp
right I bet you will not have this problem.

Q: Why did they deprecate a.out support in linux?
A: Because a nasty coff is bad for your elf.

James Simmons [] ____/|
fbdev/console/gfx developer \ o.O| =(_)= U

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