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SubjectRe: Looking at select, a problem or functionality?
George Anzinger wrote:
> In looking over the kernel for preemption hazards I found the following:
> The following function is from select.c. Can someone help me to
> understand why do_pollfd() is being called with the task state set to


> do_pollfd() calls the driver poll routine. Is it
> expected that the driver might in some way call schedule() and put the
> current task to sleep?


> Or would this be a big NO-NO.

A small no.
A driver could sleep, but then it must set current->state back to
TASK_RUNNING before sleeping, and that should be very rare, otherwise
poll()/select() will busy-loop instead of yielding the cpu to other

> I think the state
> should be set just prior to the schedule_timeout() call. Would this
> impair some functionality?

Yes, you would see lock-ups ;-)
See linux/Documentation/DocBook/mousedrivers.tmpl

If you want to support preemption, then the minimum is:
* we can't preempt if the current thread owns a spinlock
* we can't preempt if current->state != TASK_RUNNING
* ??


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