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SubjectRe: Ext2fs file sizes
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Nigel Jacob wrote:

> My understanding is that t ext2fs has a filesize limitation of
>2GB. Is this true? Is this a tunable parameter modifiable via the ext2fs
>api or somewhere else?

Short, no ext2 has never had a 2G filesize limitation.

Long: The VFS layer on 64 bit machines has always allowed
filesizes larger than 2G, however on 32 bit machines, the VFS has
limited it to 2G, so it isn't a limitation of the filesystem at
hand, but rather of the VFS. As of sometime in the 2.3.x
development series, this has changed, and the 2.4 kernels will no
longer have this restriction. Using files > 2G on 32 bit systems
however will require several components in the system to be
upgraded including glibc, and likely any applications which will
use files larger than 2G.

There are likely some teensy innaccuracies in the above, but it
is more or less correct. I'm sure someone will fine tune it with
more accurate details for you though.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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