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SubjectRe: 2.4.0-test4-pre6 compiles, but...
To follow up to myself.  I turned off the DRM and recompiled, and still I
see the same problem when I exit X (good thing I don't use X much).

Any ideas as to what the cause could be, so I can at least try to track it
down for ya?

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Chris Meadors wrote:

> I finally got a kernel after 2.4.0-test3 to compile (it also booted just
> fine). So I started X to make sure it worked too. It seemed to work
> fine. So I quit X. I was left staring at a blank screen, not even a
> blinking cursor. So before panicing, I blindly typed "reset" and bingo
> everything came back just fine.
> I think this is probally caused by the 3DFX DRM driver. I don't need it
> (and I think I've heard that it doesn't even work right now), so I can
> compile it out of my kernel. But just to let who ever know what I have
> seen.
> Oh, BTW, I'm running XFree 4.01 if that has any berring.
> Thanks,
> Chris

Two penguins were walking on an iceburg. The first one said to the
second, "you look like you are wearing a tuxedo." The second one said,
"I might be..."
--David Lynch, Twin Peaks

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