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SubjectRe: Linux-2.4.0-test4 (was Re: [Announce] BKL shifting into drivers and filesystems - beware)
On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> I want you guys to look at your computer screen, imagining the worst
> monster you can (the cacodeamon from Quake will do, just make him hairier
> and bigger and more MEAN), and think of me. Think of me like I am when I
> see a patch which isn't a pure bug-fix.
> If you're whimpering just _thinking_ about sending me a new feature,
> you're in the right mindframe. Keep that mindframe.

Oh, great, now I won't get any sleep tonight ...

What about forward ports of 2.2 stuff? Do they count as new features?

"cosmos" that did the 16bit nls thing for 2.2, Petr Vandrovec and myself
have been making a 2.4 version of that. This is not isolated to the fs/nls
tree but touches ntfs, joliet, ncpfs and vfat.

512k (it's mostly a lot of data tables for the new codepages) almost
complete patch vs test4-pre3:
(there should only be a small cleanup in some "alias tables" needed)

Andrew Tridgell has given up all hope :) of getting any time soon to do
things with smbfs so he asked me to be maintainer for it. smbfs in 2.4
needs a few changes from 2.2. And I haven't completed fixing a pair of
known problems with the 2.2 version that I had planned to do first.

I suppose that could be considered a bugfix, but then I want to add nls
support to smbfs and that is definitly a feature. Well tested and very
limited damage I suppose, but still a feature.

Of course, if the 2.4 stable is done the same way as 2.2 stable, ie more
or less (what do I know about this) limited things can be added after
release, then this is not a problem.

/Urban, starts looking for a teleporter to telefrag the horrible monster ...

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