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    SubjectRe: [Announce] BKL shifting into drivers and filesystems - beware

    Alan Cox wrote:
    > > freeze will be in three months, and VFS/VM code freeze will be in 6 weeks.
    > > Sorry, I'd like to see 2.4 ship in three months, but I am hearing people guess
    > > that it won't ship this year, and if they are right maybe we will be best off
    > > admitting it.
    > 6 weeks to fix the VM is too short. But then I think we may have to accept
    > that we dont get the VM perfect until 2.5. We just need to get it back working
    > as well as 2.0 did
    > Alan


    I think the soak time for 2.4 will probably continue past this since
    there's still tons of stuff still pending (including me getting my code
    tuned). I've been working on auto-repair from the driver so the FS can
    auto repair itself just like NetWare does when it mounts volumes. The
    biggest issue is that 2.4 still needs Linus and you to get everyone out
    of the code for a couple of months, and you guys do some performance
    tuning work without it chaning beneath you. 6 weeks is very agressive.
    I think you could make this date, but the performance work still will
    need to get done, and I don't see how with all the stuff going on how
    you guys will get this done in 6 weeks. To date 2.4 is still noticeably
    slower than the 2.2 tree in some areas and overall, at least from what
    we are seeing, but this is just IMHO.



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