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SubjectRe: Problems with Compaq Proliant and 2.4.0-test series
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On the 1850R's atleast, setting OS&nbsp;to Unixware locks the SMP&nbsp;spec
in at 1.1, configing anything other than Unixware 7 will set the SMP spec
to 1.4.
<p>You should have a "Smart Start" CD, which will give you more granularity
when it comes to configuring your Compaq BIOS.
<p>There are other changes as well that the "OS&nbsp;setting" controls,
unfortunatly, I don't remember off hand what exactly they are.&nbsp; There
are some PCI&nbsp;bus specifics in there, if I remember correctly... Something
about "Hot Add" of resources perhaps?
<p>"Richard B. Johnson" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Torben Mathiasen wrote:
<p>> On Mon, Jul 10 2000, Mario Mikocevic wrote:
<br>> > Well, it seems that #1 and #2 are corelated. Now, here's even more
fun things ->
<br>> >
<br>> > if I boot test2 with OS setting set to OTHER server boots as UP
and eepro100 works,
<br>> >
<br>> > if I boot test3 (pre2, pre5 and pre7 tested) with OS on OTHER server
boots as UP but
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; eepro100 spits 'eth0: card reports no RX buffers.'
with endless slow stream of
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'eepro100: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!' !?
<br>> >
<br>> > if I boot any of those test[23] kernels with BIOS OS setting to
Unixware (set as 7
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't know if it makes difference) server boots
as SMP but eepro100 is deaf with
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; following errors :
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
<br>> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; eth0: Transmit timed out: status e050&nbsp;
0c00 at 0/28 command 0001a000.
<p>Some BIOS(es) fail to put a usable address in the PCI registers for
<br>some devices. For instance, if you have a shared-memory buffer that
<br>is Nk in length, it must be on a Nk boundary! Some BIOSes ignore this
<br>which may prevent the first portion of an allocated buffer from being
<br>addressed. See if you can get a BIOS upgrade. If not, see if your driver
<br>can take a parameter (using append=) from LILO.
<br>Dick Johnson
<p>Penguin : Linux version 2.2.15 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
<p>"Memory is like gasoline. You use it up when you are running. Of
<br>course you get it all back when you reboot..."; Actual explanation
<br>obtained from the Micro$oft help desk.
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Jeff McNeil
Sr. Systems Engineer
Interland, Inc.
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