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SubjectRe: [PATCH] towards a /proc-less user space
On Thu Mar 09, 2000 at 09:55:42AM +0900, Rainer Mager wrote:
> I'm new to this list and haven't been following this whole restructuring of
> /proc closely at all but I have one comment that might be relevant. Where I
> work we do a lot of Java programming. Some of it requires access to Linux
> system information. Up to now we very easily just read and parse the various
> /proc files since they are just text. If these files go away (even if their
> functionality is replaced by other programs) this makes things much harder
> for Java since it would require doing nasty RMI things.
> Or, restated, getting system information from "plain" text files is a good
> thing. Please don't break it.

Those of us that do embedded stuff want the option of turning off /proc,
because it is big and fat. Turning off /proc has not been an option till now,
because so many important pieces of imformation could previosly only be
obtained by reading /proc. If I have the ability to turn off /proc for my
applications and instead use /dev/ps, then good for me. You still have the
ability to turn off /dev/ps and use /proc.

Nobody loses,


Erik B. Andersen Web:
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