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SubjectRe: [patch] vsyscall feature
Artur Skawina <> writes:
> i'd like to avoid this kind of special cases, they all have a cost.
> We're talking about feeding a hostile process bogus data and the process
> attempting counter measures -- (hopefully) a very rare scenario in RL.
> So the cost does not seem to justified, simply turning off the
> usermode-syscalls and unmapping the data globally should be ok.
> (this is kind of what i'd like to do for ptrace anyway)
> That way only a system that needs this feature has to pay the price.
> [there might be a better solution, but i need to do some benchmarking
> first]

This seems reasonable to me. The key thing is that the controller can easily
arrange that controlled (ptraced) processes cannot get at any usable info from
these special pages.

> > Well, if it's possible in user space, we leave it to the author of that
> > tricky sandbox program to solve the details :-)
> hmm, i can't see a way to do this 100% transparently, not w/o further
> restrictions (turning off rdtsc, artifically reducing/altering timings etc).

This would be nice, but I do have doubts as to whether it's really possible.
Since there are currently 100 other ways a rogue can discover that it's being
followed, it doesn't seem right to seriously bend the vsyscall design for this


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