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SubjectRe: BSD Licensed files in Linux kernel.
In article <>,
Darren Reed <> wrote:
>Sorry to disturb you folks, but someone has pointed out to me
>that there are some files (e.g. linux/drivers/net/bsd_comp.c)
>which are licensed under the BSD license and not the GPL.

There are numerous files that are under a dual license, which is
perfectly ok. I don't actively encourage it, because it creates
problems if somebody else than the original author were to ever say "I
want to patch the Linux GPL'd version of this file, but I do NOT want to
make my changes available under the BSD license" or vice versa, but it
hasn't been a problem so far, so it's not something I discourage either.

(And besides, if somebody were to send me a patch with those kinds of
restrictions, my solution would probably be to just not accept the patch
in the first place).

The one file you mention (bsd_comp.c) is the only real special case that
I'm aware of, which is why it cannot be linked into the kernel directly
(it only ever gets built as a module - not for any technical reasons,
but simply due to the copyright issue).


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