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    SubjectRe: Linux 2.2.15pre12 [VM fixes]
    On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:

    > It's quite possible (about a 3% chance) that the PID of the
    > hog (that we _want_ to get killed) is in the <1000 range...
    > Also, "simply reverse-ordering chronologically" doesn't work
    > if it means killing two dozen innocent processes before we
    > get to the memory hog.
    > Killing processes when we're out of memory is _bad_ (but
    > unavoidable) so we'd better make sure that we kill the hog
    > and keep all other processes alive...
    > regards,
    > Rik

    Another option to consider. Linux currently has a freepage.min below
    which only the kernel can alloc memory.

    However this doesn't help the admin to telnet/log on and clean up
    manually. Would it be possible to add a freepage.root-min. Below which
    only euid==0 processes could allocate memory? So that
    getty/login/inetd/telnetd could still get memory in the case that a user
    process is causing trouble.

    (or this is impractical for some reason?)


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