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SubjectRe: iproute and 2.3 question
On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, George Bonser wrote:

> I noticed this remark in the ip-route cref document:

> equalize
> Is it still true that a patch is needed or has this now been integrated
> into the kernel?

The patch can be found at It works
indeed by throwing out cache entries every time they have been used. This
works for up to at least 20 Mbit/s of traffic, but not for 400 Mbit/s
(both cases have been tried, the former works fine, the latter does
not). You can try it if you like.

Route based load balancing does have certain advantages over bonding
devices. But it's really hard to implement in a clean way in current
kernels. I'd rather see the complete networking code being a module, and
those who want to use different routing/firewalling/scheduling schemes can
load (or even create their own) different modules. The current code is (to
my eye) just a messy bunch of hooks and checks.

I will elaborate this statement and propose it for 2.5 :).

Met vriendelijke groet,
Guus Sliepen.

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