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SubjectRe: Is ReiserFS really a journaling file system, or is it really just a synchronous-metadata file system like BSD FFS?

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 06:00:33PM -0800, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> Okay, I do have a question. There are a *number* of applications in
> which it is far better to lose a file than having a file which looks
> correct but contains bad data. is such as application.
> What would be the proper kind of filesystem to run?

That's an application problem. For, you may well have
multi-megabyte files which are created gradually over quite some
time as ftp uploads take place: do you expect the filesystem to be
able to tell the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful
upload and delete the file if it went wrong?

In this sort of case, you want the application to create a temporary
file, fsync it, and then rename it to its final destination if you
want the consistency of the final file to be guaranteed.


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