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SubjectRe: 2.3.99-pre3-8 -- Even though ISAPNP is enabled, I have no /proc/isapnp file.
Miles Lane wrote:
> I have been testing a modified cs4232.c from Christoph
> Hellwig who is implementing PNP support for more sound
> drivers.
> So my questions (which are all basically one question) are:
> 1) why would my cs4232 not get recognized as a PNP device?
> 2) Have I done something wrong that is preventing the
> /proc/isapnp file from being generated?
> 3) Is there something I need to do to get the cs4232
> working as a PNP device?

Some cards (modems and network cards in particular) still have jumpers
to disable PnP and set the resources manually. Crystal chipsets are
commonly embedded on motherboards. If true in your case, the BIOS may
have some setting for PnP.


Brian Gerst

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