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SubjectRe: [OT] Paging Alan Cox
"Butter, Frank" wrote:
>>>> You are coming from an open relay listed in the orbs.


> > > It's not Doug's problem, but his ISP's.

So get them to fix that relay or change ISPs.

> who authorized ORBs for doing what they do?

They need no authorisation to collect and publish the data. Any blocking
that takes place is authorised by the admins of the systems that use the
service to block anything incoming from open relays.

> is it just my provider who has to ignore it or do other providers
> also no deliver mail anymore?

I'm not sure of the numbers, but my guess would be several hundred
systems use ORBS.

> what exactly can one do against this?

Send mail to ORBS thanking them for alerting you to the problem and to
the admins of the open relay asking them to fix it.

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