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SubjectRe: Patch: BadRAM put to use

well, hmm, DOS can't handle those bad parts, since it wants perfect linear
memory. I doubt Win 9x is any smarter.

As if we care.

Nevertheless: If your bios is LinuxBIOS, testing and then mapping around
bad pages should be kinda simple. Sort of like bad144 for memory. Just
mark the bad pages and proceed to not use them. You got a real OS, things
do get easier. You could even in theory handle a bad address line. I'll
let you keep the chips with the bad data lines however :-)

Now you just have to convince the vendors to sell you bad chips. Here in
the US that will be impossible, I bet, due to lawyers :-) Repeat after
me: "Knew or should have known ..."

p.s. Linuxbios is about to mount root from a scsi drive. I can live with
bad rams ...

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