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SubjectRe: VM modules in kernel?
On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

>> I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here Alan... My
>> guess is you're taking VM to mean the kernel virtual memory
>> system, when I'm meaning it to be "virtual machine". So my
>No Im taking it to mean virtual machine. In paticular VM on S/390 hardware.

Ahh.. Sorry.. I know nothing of that sort of hardware.

>> The 'hypervisor' is a new term to me.. Are you refering to the
>> Transmeta CPU and it's native mode? If I read you correctly
>No its what the S/390 VM is often called. Its a supervisor for supervisor
>mode programs so illogically enough its a hypervisor 8). The IBM mainframe
>guys thing this kind of set up is routine. Unix is met with
>'You mean you cant run a new kernel on test at the same time as the old
>one' type remarks.

Hmm.. Sounds like interesting hardware indeed.

>> here, then we could have a native VLIW kernel running on the
>> Crusoe, which opens an x86 API to userland? Correct me if I'm
>> wrong.
>As I understamd it the VLIW code isnt accessible

Bummer. ;o( A lot of things are inaccessible in lots of
software and hardware.. that doesn't stop someone from hacking it
though. ;o) I guess it would be difficult without the opcodes,

>> Have you been dipping into the bubbly a bit? ;o)
>Not today.

Hmm.. Maybe it was me then. ;o)

Take care,

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
Computer Consultant GNU advocate
Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate

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