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SubjectRe: general timing question
On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Michael B. Rash wrote:

> Suppose that I have a process that generates a timestamp every time it
> loops through some task, and assume that this process is not running with
> real time support. Is there any way to guarantee that the timestamping
> will be accurate to within some bound? That is, my task ends at some
> absolute time t0, and my timestamp gets assigned some short time t1 after
> t0 (if there is a context switch before the timestamp is assigned then the
> delay will be greater I guess). So, is there any way to bound t1-t0?

Disabling the interrupts could be a solution for your problem, I don't
know if it's the best solution, but remember to make just the assigment
with interrupts disabled, after it enable them.

> My guess is that trying to _guarantee_ that t1-t0 < n for some n would
> be useless since my process could get swapped out with some higher
> priority process, or a bunch of interrupts happen, etc. But on _average_
> what would n be? It would be related to the processor speed, the machine
> load, and the jiffie that has been compiled into the machine correct?

Yes, t1, t0 and n should be in jiffies, all the internal kernel structures
uses jiffies (wait queues, timers, bhs, etc). And the n value should be
something like the time to processes 5-10 instructions.


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