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SubjectRe: On the issue of low memory situations
On 21 Mar 2000 14:21:31 +0100, you wrote:

>Den 18-Mar-00 15:14:13 skrev Jesse Pollard følgende om "Re: On the issue of low memory situations":
>> The daemon could not have a fixed amount of memory. Each time it attempts to
>> record more data, it will have to expand. New processes will have to have
>> more entries for data...
> No. On Un*x systems there is a fixed limit to the number of processes.
>On linux you run out at 512 or so if you don't modify the source. But
>anyway, the daemon itself only needs to keep the configuration data around.
>Once the daemon has started up, it will only need to allocate memory to
>load new configuration data. If it mmap()s the config file, it doesn't even
>need to do that.

Better than that, in fact - it could mmap() a file to use as
workspace. Then, it only has the stack to worry about, and you could
probably pre-expand that enough to avoid problems.


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