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SubjectRe: Avoiding OOM on overcommit...?
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Jesse Pollard wrote:
>On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, David Whysong wrote:
>>That's very misleading. In fact if you give the overcommitted system the
>>same amount of VM, it will work just fine. In other words, turning off
>>overcommit isn't what saves you. You added more memory!
>I guaranteed that the memory allocated could be used. I didn't just add
>more memory. Just adding more memory will still allow the system to fail,
>it may take longer, it may not happen as often. But it can still happen.

If you properly handle system-wide OOM situations by killing tasks (see my
other emails about doing this with the OOM killer patch + a userspace
daemon), then you no longer have system crashes.

Yes, your app can be killed, but that is also what happens with quotas. In
fact, it happens earlier with quotas.


David Whysong
Astrophysics graduate student University of California, Santa Barbara
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