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SubjectRE: SMP and MPS 1.4 Support
	I have been using this motherboard for years and haven't had any problems.
My IRQs were remapped, and everything has been working perfectly since I
purchased this MB (over 2 years). MPS 1.4 is enabled in the BIOS.

Richard Rak
A+ Certified Service Technician

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jos Hulzink
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 3:09 AM
To: Linux Kernel Mailinglist
Subject: SMP and MPS 1.4 Support


I recently upgraded my motherboard to an Asus P2L97-DS (LX chipset, SMP,
SCSI). For I need IRQ's badly, I tried to enable the MPS 1.4 feature
(Adding 8 IRQ channels and IRQ remapping). The kernel shows me a
beautiful remapping table and boots while telling me that waiting for an
irq on ide-disk hdd (hdc is not in use) failed. Trying to mount /dev/hdd4
(zipdrive) results in a deadlock. (No respond from kernel,even 2nd
processor seems locked. A telnet session from a remote host fails.

Besides, moving the mouse locks up the PS2 controller, but only when gpm
is installed, X is started, or a cat /dev/mouse is done. (i.e. if there is
nothing listening to the mouse, the system keeps running fine). Using the
PS2 keyboard is no problem, as long as the mouse is not moved. Remote
login (telnet) remains working.

IDE1 is attached to IRQ15 (not remapped)
PS2 Mouse is attached to IRQ12 (not remapped)

Kernel is 2.2.14 compiled for Intel SMP platform on RH 6.1.

Is MPS 1.4 support not complete yet ? Or must it be something I do wrong ?


PS: X always locks up when IRQ12 is also attached to my NVidia Riva TNT
chipset (not only with MPS 1.4 enabled) and the mouse is moved.

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