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SubjectRE: 2.3.51 (and .52-pre1, .52-pre2), 2.3.99pre1... don't boot
I'm seeing the same thing (nothing, to be more accurate :-)
Unless i remove my "append=video:whatever" from lilo.conf... Maybe an error
in the init-routine?
In the kernel: support for ATI, RIVA and VESA. Problem both on ATI and RIVA


> Hi,
> I'm following the latest releases of the 2.3-series to get my
> xircom 10/100 Mbit + 56Kbit modem working under a Toshiba Laptop.
> It worked, but the kernel was not always that stable for normal use.
> Now, I jumped from 2.3.49 to 2.3.51, but 2.3.51 does not boot anymore.
> After LILO I get 'Loading 2.3.51' and then a blank screen. This
> also happens with the .52-pre series and .99-pre1. I compiled
> the kernel with egcs 2.95.2, using VESA framebuffer (but without
> it I get the same thing). Does anybody have a clue what's going on?
> I tried compiling with egcs 2.95.2 and pgcc 2.95.2 (you never know ...)
> I used the standard optimizations, I tried compiling for P-II and
> for pentium.
> I tried to disable VESA Framebuffer, ... the .99-pre1 I tried now
> was almost a basic kernel + PCMCIA-support in the kernel
> (cardbus). Still the same thing: A blank screen. There is not
> any letter that comes from the kernel itself that comes on my
> screen. It does not continue (f.e. like it's only my screen that
> refueses to work) to load, there is no harddisk activity,
> nothing... This is weird.

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