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SubjectRe: Request for ethernet drivers in general.
Actually the standard that premits Ethernet frames with the extra 4
bytes required for VLAN tagging is 802.3ac, and it was approved already
in 1998.
You can get (a little) more information at:
Regarding support of modern net-gear, I believe most currently sold
switches|hubs|routers support this standrad.

Jes Sorensen wrote:

> Ben> The spec, or at least some spec, allows for 802.1Q VLAN pkts that
> Ben> are 4 bytes bigger. I hear most hardware will support it: you
> Ben> just have to make the drivers able to handle it. I know some
> Ben> cards work, at least in the 2.2 series, but others don't. At
> Ben> around the 2.3.48 timeframe, the tulip driver no longer worked
> Ben> (It may have been fixed by now, I haven't tested lately.)
> Do you know which standard this is?
> Ben> In general, while ppl are working on drivers, if they can just be
> Ben> aware that 1500 (+ 4 + overhead) is an option, it shouldn't be
> Ben> hard to support.
> That sounds really scary, my worry here is not really whether the NICs
> support it, the interesting issue is whether all (or at least the
> majority) of the switches, hubs and routers on the market will do
> it. The only way to be sure is if the Ethernet standard allows for
> this, if there is some proposal to allow this by the 802.1Q people,
> but it's not in the original Ethernet standard, then it should
> certainly only be an option. The think I don't like is that it will
> require that you implement driver specific versions of
> dev_change_mtu() for each driver.
> Jes
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