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SubjectRe: Overcommitable memory??
Den 20-Mar-00 13:39:26 skrev James Sutherland følgende om "Re: Overcommitable memory??":
> On 19 Mar 2000 19:27:22 +0100, you wrote:

>> Do you actually have any numbers to back up your claims?

> Do you have any justification whatsoever for your opposition to demand
> allocation of memory?

OK, so you have no numbers to back up your claims. Would you please at
least try to get some? Otherwise there is little point in discussing your
doomesday swap predictions.

As for the justification of not overcommitting memory, can I assume that
you have heard of the ANSI/ISO C and POSIX standards?

>> A programmer can waste quite a lot of time hunting for non-existant
>>bugs to explain crashes caused by a kernel which can't keep count of its
>>memory. Been there, done that.

> If your app takes all the available memory, it should be blatantly
> obvious that you have done something wrong.

Not in any way. The application can't read the kernel's mind. The system
has x MB of RAM+swap, the application asks for x+20 MB, the kernel says
"OK". How is the application supposed to know that the kernel is telling a
blatant lie? If you can't trust the kernel, your system is fsck'ed.


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