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SubjectRe: patch: reiserfs for 2.3.49

> * Locking
> This has already been mentioned. 'Nuff said.
> * Fault handling
> The filesystem must respond cleanly to *all* out-of-memory failures
> and media EIO errors. The response to ENOMEM may be to spin
> waiting for memory, and EIO may take the filesystem offline, but in
> either case when control returns to user space the filesystem must
> be in a known state in which all resources used by that syscall are
> released and the filesystem can be unmounted.

From my games with ext2-over-nbd, I know ext2 fails this test. Make
filesystem bigger than partition and watch the hell.

> * fsck.
> This is something Ted has been very good about: there is a
> comprehensive regression suite in e2fsprogs to test not only
> recovery from normal situations on the disk, but also to recover
> from all manner of corruptions which cannot occur in the normal
> running of the filesystem but which happen when memory goes bad,
> media fails, the user runs fsck on a mounted partition and then ^Cs
> it, or whatever. There should be no combination of on-disk
> conditions which should allow fsck to crash, even though some forms
> of corruption won't let you recover much of any value!

And notice that this is work that never ends... I found new and
wonderfull way to provoke bug in ext2fsck pretty recently (it's fixed

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