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SubjectRe: Booting to >8GB...
I had problems with that too.  What I did was install my kernel(s) and boot
info in my Windows partition (which is under the 1024 cylinders limit).
From the lilo documentation:

"/boot on a DOS partition
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Recent kernels support all the functions LILO needs to map files also on
MS-DOS (or UMSDOS) file systems. Since DOS partitions tend to occupy
exactly the places where BIOS restrictions (see section "BIOS
restrictions") are invisible, they're an ideal location for /boot if the
native Linux file systems can't be used because of BIOS problems.

In order to accomplish this, the DOS partition is mounted read-write, a
directory (e.g. /dos/linux) is created, all files from /boot are moved to
that directory, /boot is replaced by a symbolic link to it, the kernels are
also moved to the new directory, their new location is recorded in
/etc/lilo.conf, and finally /sbin/lilo is run.

From then on, new kernels must always be copied into that directory on the
DOS partition before running /sbin/lilo, e.g. when recompiling a kernel,
the standard procedure changes from

# make zlilo


# make zImage
# mv /dos/linux/vmlinuz /dos/linux/vmlinuz.old
# mv arch/i386/boot/zImage /dos/linux/vmlinuz
# /sbin/lilo

_WARNING:_ De-fragmenting such a DOS partition is likely to make Linux or
even the whole system unbootable. Therefore, the DOS partition should
either not be de-fragmented, or a Linux boot disk should be prepared (and
tested) to bring up Linux and to run /sbin/lilo after the

* Setting the "system" attribute from DOS on the critical files (e.g.
everything in C:\LINUX) may help to protect them from being rearranged.
However, the boot floppy should still be ready, just in case."

It was that easy for me.
Michael Abd-El-Malek

Daniel J Blueman wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm having great difficulty finding a solution to my current problem:
> - I need to boot linux, installed >8GB into my harddisk.
> I know the current version 12 of LILO doesn't support this (even in linear
> mode). Werner?
> Is there any solution? Anyone know of other bootloaders?
> Help would be great
> - Dan
> __________________________
> Daniel J Blueman
> Undergraduate - BSc Computing Science
> UMIST university - Manchester
> Direct line: 0161 933 3569
> Mobile: 07775 583766
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