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SubjectRe: On the issue of low memory situations
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 02:51:06PM -0800, Linda Walsh wrote:
> Ya know -- just as a point of amusement, WIN-CE has a 'SIGDANGER'
> type functionality -- when memory is low, it calls a 'low memory' handler
> in each app so they can release all the data they can, with, I believe,
> the default on no handler to be to do nothing. :-) Now if they could
> just get the random killing part down instead of suspending all
> processes and asking the user what processes to kill, they'd have
> pretty close to AIX functionality.

i think that it would be pretty interesting to have a SIGLOWMEM that was
sent to a task before any of its pages were swapped out. this would
allow garbage-collected language systems and programs to only spend
time garbage-collecting when there's actually any need to do so, and
without having to have a fixed heap size like the JVM does. Most apps
would ignore it and get paged out, but some would trim themselves down
to a more reasonable size and avoid being paged. this is unrelated to
overcommitting memory, but you brought it to mind :-)

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