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SubjectRe: 2.2.15pre14

Yeah, fair enough, I meant to copy Leonard on this, but was in a hurry to get out
the door on Friday evening. Leonard was the one that suggested adding the delays
to the macros, and that has fixed the problem for me. Since I only have a CDRW
on my SCSI card, I haven't really been concerned that adding those delays hurts
performance. If I had hard drives out there, I might be more concerned with that.
I have been meaning to try the change that I suggested below for a few weeks now,
but I haven't gotten around to it. I didn't really want to bother Leonard until
I knew if the change would help.

Anyway, here is my reasoning as to why the change might make a difference:

Right now, hp_int gets assigned (RDW_HARPOON((ioport+hp_intstat)) & default_intena)
each time through the while loop. Looking through the code, it appears to me
that default_intena can have the following bits set:

ICMD_COMP, ITICKLE, IDO_STRT, and ITAR_DISC (the last five are grouped

That leaves the following bits that will be masked off by the bitwise and:


So hp_int will never have these bits set inside the while loop. Now, the
very first if inside the while loop is:

if (hp_int & (FIFO | TIMEOUT | RESET | SCAM_SEL) || bm_status) {

Which depends upon FIFO, which can't be set. This looks as if it is
an error condition, so it may not be possible for this to cause problems,
but I wanted to try it anyway.

I don't see any of the other bits being used inside the while loop.

Anyway, I will try to give it a try in the next few days to see if
this fixes my problem. If anyone sees a flaw in my logic, or can
say definitively that this will, or will not help, let me know.

Bill Lash

> > I am actually not concerned about what it complained about (the use of the
> > | instead of || but the strange parenthesis in RDW_HARPOON((ioport+hp_intstat))
> >
> > I am beginning to think that this should be (hp_int = RDW_HARPOON(ioport+hp_intstat))
> >
> > I keep meaning to try this, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
> thanks for your input here. as it only happened once, I think it would be of
> no use to change the stuff. however, it might be a good idea to have the BT
> code maker ( IIRC) take a look at your suggestion, or not ?
> to me it happened after I presumably toggled the off/on switch too fast.
> maybe the JAZ didn't reset OK.
> Roeland
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