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SubjectRe: Lock-ups
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, nsmith wrote:

> Hi,


> I once reported that I was having a lot of lock ups under the new kernel. I
> got a lot of replies back talking to the requirements for the Athlon
> processor (I am running a 500). Well, I have my system dual booted (Win98
> and Linux) and I haven't noticed these types of lock-ups under Win98 as I
> have running the 2.3 series. I would like to help track down the problem,
> but am unsure were to look. Could some one give me a clue? Thanks

Isn't really a hard work. Download the latest unstable kernel (2.3.x) series and compile it with a good bunch of resources, wait until it locks (could take some time, get a cup of coffee, make it work really hard processing informations) and grab some info for us. Remember to compile the kernel with the Magic SysReq Key on, when it lock, try to do an Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+P and grab the EIP, try to find something closer to the address in your If it generates an Oops, use the ksymoops tool and send us the output with your kernel config file, also a good information about your system (processor, resources, daemons running on).


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