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SubjectRe: On the issue of low memory situations
Nicholas Vinen wrote:
> Well, you could use SA_RESETHAND with sigaction to specify that
> behaviour but yes, you'd expect that you would almost always want that.
Not to belabor the point, but not "almost", but "always".
You wouldn't want it to be under user control -- since
you could end up with non-deterministic or deadlock behavior. This is
one signal that should always reset the action back to 'non-caught'.

> However I do think that such a signal should be triggered before memory is
> TOTALLY exhaused (perhaps if you trigger the allocation of the 5th last
> page in existance or something). This way you have enough pages to do your
> cleanup at least.
Dunno if those stats are kept around -- not to mention in a SMP
environment, it wouldn't be that useful -- lez say I have a 16 CPU sys.
My hog processu goes malloc and somehow I determine there are only 5 pages
left. By the time I get that information back to the hog process (it may
get unscheduled), that 5 page figure could have changed N-times, making
it not so useful. One could argue, however, that you could hold 5% of
memory in reserve for UID=0 processes, but what does that mean if we
are running in a capability-based system (where UID=0 means squat) -- I'd
suggest punting that issue to the next rev and deal with the most
pressing matter (I'm outa memory: HELP) more gracefully. I guess we
could add a CAP_USE_LIMITED_MEMORY. When there is x% reserved in an
ext2 filesystem for 'root', which capability does it use? Is there already

> OK, now the only issue is who is going to write this. I'm kinda
> busy this weekend ;) Shouldn't be too hard though. Anyone?
Sigh. ;~)
Linda A Walsh | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI | Voice: (650) 933-5338

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